A few more images of the work in my show. This piece above almost didn't make it in. Something about it just wasn't sitting right with me and I umm'd and ah'd for weeks about whether to include it. I set it up in my lounge room and walked past it every day, and every time I walked past it I changed my mind about it! But after some convincing from the gallery and a few other folks, in it went. And it went down a treat! A big thank you to
bum crane for her help and patience in setting this work up. She can roll a mean ball of museum wax i tell ya!
The guns above have been cut from old plates using a water jet process. I'm a tad enamoured by this technique at the moment and have spent the last six months op-shopping like a mad woman and have accrued quite the collection of plates and saucers just awaiting the chop!
Congrats Mel
Your work looks spectacular. And I'm really glad you included the one your
weren't sure about 'cos it blew me away (sorry about the pun).
Best wishes for rest of the show.
Thanks Sophie. Hope the new gallery is going well too! Will get there one of these days!
Hi Mel, I LOVE these - they are excellent. Is it an expensive process? I am trying to find a water laser jet company to cut glass shapes for brooches, but I am finding it hard to get someone interested in 'one-offs' and keep being told it is too expensive (I am in Melbourne). Any thoughts?...
(love the pigeons too!) Lucy
Hi Lucy, thanks for your comment. And yes, unfortunately it aint cheap, but depending on what you sell them for it might be worth looking into. Also, depending on the material you are using you might be better off looking at laser cutting perhaps? I'm not sure of anyone who does the water-jet cutting in Melbourne but here is a link to a company I used on the gold coast, who also have a branch in Sydney. They were happy to do small runs and one-offs. Good luck!
Hi Mel,
Thanks so much for your response - I'll check out the link for sure and see if they can recommend anyone in Melbourne.
I didn't mention previously that I have one of your beautiful porcelain bowls too - one with little patterned 'stamps' running around the side. I got it for a gift for my birthday last year and it's just lovely!
Thanks again,
Hi Mel,
Thanks so much for your response - I'll check out the link for sure and see if they can recommend anyone in Melbourne.
I didn't mention previously that I have one of your beautiful porcelain bowls too - one with little patterned 'stamps' running around the side. I got it for a gift for my birthday last year and it's just lovely!
Thanks again,
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