Sunday, April 25, 2010

Making a start...

Once a week Kenji (his hands above) and I get together and catch up on the week’s goings on while our littlies run around creating havoc together. We drink tea and talk a lot about what we’re up to in the studio. Collaboration is a frequent topic and over the years we’ve come up with numerous ideas of things we’d like to do together - but actually getting around to doing any of these things is another matter entirely! Apart from the Little People (sadly neglected for a long while) we haven’t made a lot of progress! So we were both quite excited today to have finally been able to organise an afternoon in the studio together to work on a collaborative idea we’ve been talking about for a long time. It was just a start, a chance to play around with a few things and to look at how our processes, techniques and ideas might be able to work together in a way that fits for both of us, but also in a way that pushes both of us a little. After a lot of excited chatter and some pushing and prodding and pouring of clay we dragged ourselves away from the moulds and tools and clay and slip and wandered around the corner to pick the kids up. It was short but sweet, and it might be weeks (or months) before we get another chance to play, but at least we finally made a start!


Anonymous said...

mel, sounds like fun- It'll be amazing work ..even if it takes 2, or 5 or 10yrs, it'd be r-e-a-ll-y cooked and completely right

cookingwithgas said...

Sounds great and I can't wait to see what comes out of working with someone else.

daisy said...

If some of your Little People would like to come on a trip to Cambridge, UK, I'd be happy to photograph them and send them on their return trip home. Maybe they'd like a day trip to London too, and I often go to the Lake District where I'm sure they'd be welcome visitors. If interested I think you get my email address when I comment?