Friday, June 5, 2009

Bigger Uns?

Doesn't quite have the same ring as Little Uns.  These bowls are a bit of a follow on from my Little Uns series. I'm upping the scale a little (yes, they are a huge 9cm tall!) and playing around with forms and the natural colours and tones of the clay bodies. I've really been enjoying making these pieces - pushing and prodding and rubbing and poking, instead of pouring and polishing. I've been using my slipcasting moulds and a slab of clay, slowly working it into the mould, letting the process show a little more. I have to stop myself from smoothing out all the marks and folds and creases and fingerprints. Old habits die hard. But I couldn't help myself and just had to give them a quick once over with the wet and dry after I'd fired them. Just to give them that nice velvety finish....

They feel nice in my hand - heavy and bumpy. This is quite novel for me. I think its working as a counter balance to the hands-off approach of my waterjet cut pieces of late too. Getting my hands back in the clay. 


Kim Wallace :: Udessi said...

Mel! Once again I am in love with your work.. Will you be exhibiting these?

Helen said...

Why not just Big uns ? your stuff, from another in love with clay

Mel Robson said...

Kim, will let you know when i do! And Helen, the thing is they aint exactly "big"! Thanks for dropping by!

Cass said...

Hey Mel,
im a third year at USQ, just like young Daniel :)
i too am a great fan of your work (and the small, delicate, intimate form), love the nostaglic feel to it all!!
i prefer the little uns; but i just love tiny stuff too hehe
hope you have a lovely and productive weekend!

Mel Robson said...

Thank you Cass! Nice to hear from you USQ folks! Hope all is well up there!

CASS said...

haha thank you! yes all is well...a few dramas recently...and lots of cold!!!

if you are interested, my blog is :)