Friday, March 9, 2007


Anyone who happens to be in Louisville, Kentucky over the next month (!!) can check out some of my work (left) in an exhibition called Convergence: A North/South Discourse at the Ogle Community and Cultural Centre as part of the 41st annual NCECA Conference. There’s 9 of us in the show, all of whom have at some point lived and worked in Canberra at the ANU School of Art. Over the years we’ve shared studios, ideas, technical information, many bottles of wine (we find that sometimes helps with the ideas thing) and have spent many hours in fiery and fiesty debates over the state of the ceramic arts (the wine helps with this too). We’re now spread out all over Australia and all over the world, from here to Canada and Scotland, but (thanks to modern technology and aeroplanes) we still manage to keep up the connections. Between them they keep me sane, they keep me inspired and they keep me on my toes.

This is the first time we’ve all exhibited together, thanks to the enduring patience and energy of Carole Hanson Epp (what a champ!). The exhibition (as Carol so eloquently says in the exhibition blurb) “demonstrates the unique diverging practices of each artist which has evolved from the convergence of the collective.” It runs from March 1-30, and the artists involved are Emilka Radlinska-Brown, Avi Amesbury, Anna Giannakis, Maiju Altpere-Woodhead, Mel Robson, Sarah Rice, Joanne Searle, Lia Tajcnar and Carole Hanson Epp.

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