1. I was born in Papua New Guinea and spent the first 2 years of my life in Port Moresby.
2. If I wasn't a ceramic artist I would like to be a carpenter or woodworker and design and make furniture. I still just might.
3. One of my favourite songs ever is Going Up the Country by Canned Heat. I can't help it but that song just makes me smile and involuntarily bounce up and down.
4. I’m a morning person. Which can sometimes be very annoying for those who aren’t......
5. I prefer winter over summer (at least in the part of the world where I live)
6. I recently joined a gym for the first time in my life (except for a surreal and fleeting period when I lived in Japan, but I won't count that). For the last week I have barely been able to walk or raise my arms above my shoulders without wincing. Apparently its good for me.
7. Like Florence, I too am a fan of vegemite on toast. I may not eat it every single morning like she does, but guaranteed the second I set foot out of Australia all I want is vegemite on toast. I don't travel without it. It's a comfort thing. Mmmmm...I'm gonna eat it for breakfast this morning......
(I just found a great You Tube clip here of Canned Heat performing Going Up The Country live at Woodstock. Its not the greatest sound, but the clip is hilarious! Lots of naked hippies. Be warned.)
Thanks for finally upgrading me on Vegemite. I ate it some years ago, like you, on bread and "uärghh". But I like it in soups ( maybe because it's the basic for "soup-powder" ;)) .
And I like "Going up the country" too. If we would bounce together, we could keep the world in balance...you bounce, while I sleep and reverse :))))
I finally made it to object gallery today and bought one of your pieces! Gorgeous little bird.
Also saw your work at All Handmade Gallery. So delicate, I loved them.
see the trick with vegemite is not to slather it on. That's the mistake a lot of people make when first trying it.What you need is lots of butter on a nice hot piece of toast so that the butter melts, and then a nice thin layer of vegemite. yum! Can't beat it i tell ya!!
And cheaky beaks, thanks so much for going!! I'm glad you have something now! enjoy!
And I've had that damn song in my head all day....bounce bounce bounce
Oh, I see, you take the weight-wather-version ;)) That sounds better and I promise to give it a try...bounce...bounce!
I received a care package of vegemite recently and I can't believe I didn't pack some myself. You don't know what you'll miss until it's gone. Try it on toast with avocado, yum! And then try it with a poached egg on top of the avocado, double yum!
Anna I have to admit I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to vegemite! I've often been told the avocado mix is yummy, but i just can't do it...glad you're all stocked up over in Estonia!!
You know they have band Vegemite in the US now!! so if you bring some in your luggage you're a bad, bad person!!! I guess that counts me out from every living in the US then :( stupid FDA.
Vegemite Rules :D
I promised to try vegemite ( over here, it's "VitamR".....and I LIKE it!!!
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